Create a Document

To create a document in LadinoType, register for an account log in and head to New Document.  You'll see a page that looks something like this:

Document Title  

In the Document Title field, pictured below, enter the title by which you will save your document.  The title must be unique to you, meaning you cannot save more than one document with the same title.  Titles must be at least three characters long and you will be warned if the title you entered is too short or is already in use by you.

Document Privacy

By default, all LadinoType documents are Private and can only be accessed by you while logged in to your account.  If you would like to make the document accessible by others, you can toggle the privacy switch that will change from 


The document will now be accessible publicly but will be "Unlisted," meaning it will be accessible to anyone who has the URL to that document but the document will not be listed in the public LadinoType directory.  if you would like to have the document listed in the public LadinoType directory, you can toggle the "Public Directory" switch from "Unlisted" to "Listed," which will look like this: 

This document will now be accessible directly by its URL and will also appear in the Public Directory.

At any time you can change these privacy settings and make a Public document Private, etc.  You can read more about document privacy here.

Type Your Ladino Text

Next, start typing your Ladino text in the large text field.  You can type your Ladino naturally as you would elsewhere, but with a few special considerations. LadinoType has a special keyboard mapping that allows it to run its algorithms.   You can read about the keyboard mapping here. 

As you type, LadinoType will give you live results above the text area:

Perhaps the most difficult "rule" to get used to is that you should generally type only in lowercase letters, because uppercase letters have specific meaning.  If LadinoType senses uppercase letters, it will give you a gentle warning that looks like this:

LadinoType Utilities

Above the text area, you will find four blue buttons.  These are utilities to aid you typing out your text.

Insert Line Break:  To create a line break, press the "Insert Line Break" button and LadinoType will insert {newline} into your text where the cursor is, which will be rendered by LadnoType as a line break.

Insert Tab:  To create a tab, press the "Insert Tab" button and LadinoType will insert {tab} into your text where the cursor is, which will be rendered by LadinoType as a tab.

Lowercase Utilities:  The Lowercase Utilities button will bring up a box that will help you deal with uppercase letters from Ladino text you copy from another source.  To use them, click the Lowercase Utilities Button to get the dialog box, then paste your copied text into the text box.  

Press "Convert to lowercase" to strip out all uppercase letters.  

You can then press "Copy to clipboard" to go back and paste it somewhere in your document or press "Paste to document" to automatically insert it at the end of your text.

View Keyboard:  The final button brings up an overlay of the LadinoType keyboard mapping in case you need to reference it while typing.

Script Switcher

Below the text area is a script switcher that allows you to instantly change the output of the text between Solitreo, Rashi, Meruba and Latin.   Various fonts of each script type are currently in the works.

Save Document

Finally, press "Save" to save your document.  You will then be taken automatically to a read-only version of your document, but you can come back and edit it anytime.

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