Lowercase Utilities

Uppercase letters have special meaning in LadinoType, so you will generally want to type in all lowercase (see Using Uppercase Characters).  If you are copying in Ladino text from outside LadinoType, you will likely need to convert it to all lowercase.  Fortunately, LadinoType has a handy utility to help with that task.

When editing a document, you will find above the text area four blue buttons.  These are utilities to aid you typing out your text.

Insert Line Break:  To create a line break, press the "Insert Line Break" button and LadinoType will insert {newline} into your text where the cursor is, which will be rendered by LadnoType as a line break.

Insert Tab:  To create a tab, press the "Insert Tab" button and LadinoType will insert {tab} into your text where the cursor is, which will be rendered by LadinoType as a tab.

Lowercase Utilities:  The Lowercase Utilities button will bring up a box that will help you deal with uppercase letters from Ladino text you copy from another source.  To use them, click the Lowercase Utilities Button to get the dialog box, then paste your copied text into the text box.  

Press "Convert to lowercase" to strip out all uppercase letters.  

You can then press "Copy to clipboard" to go back and paste it somewhere in your document or press "Paste to document" to automatically insert it at the end of your text.

View Keyboard:  The final button brings up an overlay of the LadinoType keyboard mapping in case you need to reference it while typing.  You can read more about the LadinoType Keyboard Mapping.

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